original songs

Simple songs for harmonizing in community, singing liturgy to new melodies and dreaming of change.


shirei shmita: songs for shmita

Shirei Shmita (Songs for Shmita) is an album of original music by eight friends and collaborators exploring themes of Shmita: release, trust, redistribution, being in right relationship with land, and questioning how to engage with this ancestral practice today. Each artist chose one or more of their original songs to record together in Shevat 5782 / January 2022 on Mohican land at Isabella Freedman Retreat Center.

The album is a redistribution fundraiser to support Indigenous sovereignty and Black liberation, as well as a public offering of spiritual nourishment during this pandemic Shmita year. All funds raised will be redistributed to the following orgs: Honor the Earth, Menīkānaehkem, WILDSEED Community Farm, Schaghticoke First Nations, Coalition for Black Trans Economic Liberation, The Lenape Center.