sacred orchard: jewish tree magic, myth & medicine


Sacred Orchard is a collaborative poster project honoring trees in Jewish myth, medicine and magic. With illustrations and design by Sol and writing by Dori Midnight, this poster series tells stories of 7 trees in Jewish lore: Apple, Cedar, Almond, Willow, Olive, Birch and Pomegranate. These seven trees create a sacred grove in Jewish imagination and in the landscape of our diasporic cultural memory. Orchards can be a site of rest, dreaming, pleasure, healing and connection. Among these trees, you will find ancient rituals and remedies, folk tales, ecological wisdom and seeds of torah. We hope these tree portraits and stories offer a sweet taste of ancestral wisdom and magic.

The poster series includes one large color poster of the 7 trees, and individual black and white prints including a block print and a love poem for Cedar, Pomegranate, Almond and Willow.

ki li ha’aretz

2020 - 2021

Sol is the graphic designer & art director for Ki Li Ha’aretz: a multi-part publication on reparations & home(coming) in Jewish diasporas. Ki Li Ha’aretz is a project of Linke Fligl.

Ki Li Ha’aretz asks: how can we find right relationship with land where we are, given our divergent histories and experiences of how we got here? How can we reconcile these histories with what is needed and possible now? What does our tradition teach us? What is your lineage? What is your story? How are you wrestling with the very personal questions of your relationship to the land(s) you call home?

Ki Li Ha’aretz has published over 40 queer and trans Jewish artists, writers and ritualists in two editions, Ushpi(zine), published in October 2021, and Mother Tongue, published in July 2021.

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infographic: the magic behind how networks function


This infographic was created in 2018 as a collaboration with the Jewish Voice for Peace Havurah Network after a network theory training from SwarmLab. It was distributed and used as an organizing tool in building a network of non-zionist and diasporist Jewish spiritual communities across the US.

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nishmat shoom machzor


Nishmat Shoom is a radical, queer, collaborative, non-zionist, magical, diasporist, inclusive Jewish minyan based in Northampton, MA. As part of the machzor team, Sol compiled and designed the annual machzor prayer book in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

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shmita & reparations


As part of Linke Fligl, Sol and Chana Rusanov co-facilitated a collaborative workshop series on shmita & reparations in winter of 2021. Click here to view the slide deck.

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